Gift Cards- Smart way to increase your Customers Repeat purchases

Since their inception, gift cards have enjoyed increased sales.For businesses,gift cards are easy to offer due to the minimal overheads cost and overall convenience for the consumers.For customers and the gift card's recipient , they offer a sense of freedom and a simple solution for gifting.Many businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises,have realized the tremendous opportunity gift cards provide ,and offer them to increase revenue,enhance customer acquisition and boost customer repeat purchase and customer loyalty.
Gift Cards benefits all the parties involved
the buyer the recipient and the business.The buyer has completed a convenient
gift purchase with little worry as to whether the recipient will like the
gift,the recipient receives it without concern whether it will fit or not and
the business has a repeat customers and increased its sales.Business also get
an opportunity to capture a new customer when a recipient redeem a gift card to that particular store which
they have never visited before.According to survey report 41% of the survey
respondents said receiving gift cards has prompted them to visit store they
otherwise would not have visited.59% of the respondents said they visited a
store more frequently after receiving a gift cards.With this tremendous opportunity
to capture new customers and gaining repeat visits there is no reason why any
business should not offer gifts cards.
Repeat visits lead to long term
profits.It has been estimated that repeat customers spend on an average 67%
more than the first customers.Any size or type of business can offer gift cards
as it is both affordable and manageable.There is no reason not to offer them
when it is a simplest way to encourage
repeat purchase in turn generating additional revenue,increase customer loyalty
and improve customer acquisition. With the popularity of gift cards program
rapidly growing,soon enough,consumers will start to expect them, even from
small and medium sized businesses.It’s 2015, and businesses must get on board
in order to stay in the game.
Mcarrots provides a complete suite of
services that helps the brand to engage and grow which in turn helps in
fulfilling the last needs of customers.
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